{ Perú }
{ 1987 }
Venuca Evanán

Venuca Evanán is a visual artist, activist and educator. She is an heir to the artistic expressions of the Sarhua community, from the Ayacucho region in southern Peru. Specialized in painting with natural colored soils and bird feathers, for more than twenty years Evanán has continued the development of the traditional painting techniques of the Sarhua Tables, being the daughter of pioneers who disseminated this art such as Primitivo Evanán and Valeriana Vivanco.

Her work combines traditional technique with experimentation on various supports such as stone, wood or textiles. Venuca is one of the first women to contribute to this exclusively masculine artistic production, and her work has expanded its representational content to address themes related to the customs of her community, eroticism, feminism, gender violence, LGBTQ+ struggles, daily life from the agency of migrant women, and the valorization of Andean women in society and their legacy within contemporary visual arts.

In recent years Evanán has dedicated herself to the transmission of traditional Sarhua knowledge and to the exhibition of her work in public and private institutions inside and outside Peru.

( works )
Pukllay LGBTQ+

Pukllay LGBTQ+



Autorretrato erótico

Autorretrato erótico

Pukllay erótico que significa juego

Pukllay erótico que significa juego

Mitología erótica

Mitología erótica

Munanakuy sirvinakuy

Munanakuy sirvinakuy

Erotismo en Sarhua

Erotismo en Sarhua

Rikchari Warmi

Rikchari Warmi

Las Varayuq

Las Varayuq

Lesiones leves

Lesiones leves



La ofrenda de Francisca

La ofrenda de Francisca

( exhibitions )
El Alma y la Memoria

El Alma y la Memoria

( fairs )
Artbo 2023

Artbo 2023

Material 2024

Material 2024

( press )
Venuca Evanán: la artista que revolucionó las tablas de Sarhua

Venuca Evanán: la artista que revolucionó las tablas de Sarhua

Taller I Aprendamos sobre las tablas de Sarhua, arte del Perú

Taller I Aprendamos sobre las tablas de Sarhua, arte del Perú

Historias indígenas en Sao Paulo

Historias indígenas en Sao Paulo