Expo Chicago 2023

Cristina Camacho, Iván Krassoievitch
sector: Aimé Iglesias Lukin

Nuestro stand presenta la obra de la artista colombiana Cristina Camacho y del artista mexicano Iván Krassoievitch. Basados en prácticas conceptuales ambos artistas entienden la forma y el color como un código de comunicación. En las obras de Camacho el lienzo se entiende como una estructura que hay que llevar al límite. En la obra de Krassoievitch la poesía es una base fundamental para su creación.

Heavy Breathing

Heavy Breathing

Womb Fantasy

Womb Fantasy

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light (A)

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light (A)

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light. (B)

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light. (B)

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light. (C)

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light. (C)

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light. (D)

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light. (D)

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light. (E)

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light. (E)

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light. (F)

Poor moth, I can’t help you, I can only turn out the light. (F)

Sacred Emily (Gertrude Stein)

Sacred Emily (Gertrude Stein)

In a Station of the Metro (Ezra Pound)

In a Station of the Metro (Ezra Pound)

Flores aritméticas (Manuel Maples Arce)

Flores aritméticas (Manuel Maples Arce)

Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard (Stéphane Mallarmé)

Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard (Stéphane Mallarmé)

On Walking Backwards

On Walking Backwards

Black Air (Chika Sagawa)

Black Air (Chika Sagawa)