ArtDubai 2019

In the natural world, all ecosystems are interconnected and in- ter-depended in multiple ways. Every so often a cloud of dust from the Sahara desert travels to the Amazon rainforest and fertilizes it. This dust is composed of seashells that were moldered millions of years ago when the African desert was covered by sea. Linear time is an obtuse notion, if we understand it from these mechanisms of natural interaction. Native American cultures understood these is- sues from their own technologies; shamans, mamos, abuelos and sages valued mineral elements in relation to the divine, that is, as part of a universal system. In the contemporary world, the products of the earth are valued according to the margins imposed by the capitalist economy and markets. Gold, silver, air and jungle are part of a system that has lost its connection with the mythical or the divine. Mazenett Quiroga’s practice main focus is to find the tensions that appear between the natural, the divine and the economic world and to manifest them from their practice.

Wind rose

Wind rose

Thermal Homeostasis

Thermal Homeostasis

Sun disk

Sun disk

Pattern under construction

Pattern under construction

Polidipsia (Lentic ecosystems of Santurban Paramo)

Polidipsia (Lentic ecosystems of Santurban Paramo)

Expanding pattern I (Paramo)

Expanding pattern I (Paramo)

