{ Colombia }
{ 1934 - 2015 }
Miguel Ángel Cárdenas
Miguel Angel Cardenas was born in El Espinal, Colombia, in 1934. He studied architecture at the National University of Bogotá (1952-1953) and Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts (1955-1957). His first exhibition in Bogotá, was at the National Library, and later exhibited in 1959 at the Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, the Museum of Zea in Medellin, and later at the Gallery La Tertulia in Cali. With a grant from the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, he studied at the School of Graphic Arts in Barcelona (1962) and then part to Holland where he lives since. His work is part of the collection of the Stedelikj Museum among others.
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