{ Colombia }
{ 1952 }
Alicia Barney

Barney’s work is profoundly ritual and, in turn, makes aggressive but silent screams of protest; it is subtle to the extent that her poetry, though tough and cynical, is intimate, feminine and calm. Her practice is silent because art, despite utopian attempts and efforts, has failed to change society. This tension lies beneath Barney’s work that started young to lose faith in the contemporary society. Ever since she started in the seventies, her work shows and interest for significant works, almost metaphysical, in which essential problems of the society are questioned, such as destruction of the surroundings and nature, overpopulation and hunger. But, beyond the critical discourse against politics and aggressive consumption, which was prevailing among the youngsters at the time, Barney’s pieces revealed a unique character.

( works )
Diario objeto

Diario objeto

Pratt I

Pratt I

Los estados que compré

Los estados que compré

Río Cauca

Río Cauca

Río Cauca

Río Cauca

Estratificación de un basurero utópico

Estratificación de un basurero utópico

La requisa

La requisa



( exhibitions )
Basurero Utópico

Basurero Utópico

( press )
Diez mujeres que me han impactado positivamente con su arte

Diez mujeres que me han impactado positivamente con su arte