Frieze New York 2015

Thursday 14 May, 2015 — Sunday 17 May, 2015
Pia Camil, Marlon de Azambuja, Nicolas Consuegra, María Evelia Marmolejo, Naufus Ramírez Figueroa
sector: Focus

María Evelia Marmolejo’s Anónimo 3 displays documentary photographs of a performance at the banks of the Cauca River. This river, like so many rivers of this world, is being affected by non-digestible waste polluted thrown by industries and human beings alike. For this offense, Marmolejo created a ritual to the Mother Earth as an act of forgiveness.

Through The Brief History of Architecture in Guatemala, Naufus Figueroa reveals the strange relationship between the capital’s modern architecture and Guatemala pre-Columbian past. As the origin of one of the most sophisticated civilizations of Latin-America pre-colonial past, Gutemala has been the object of various invasions that have
exposed the colonial necessity to show its power by dominating the body and communities.

One of Nicolas Consuegra’s most emblematic pieces is Recursos, an ongoing project that began in 2008. The façades of these photographed buildings still bear the ghostly traces of their names or logos, or the signage of businesses that have moved elsewhere or have shut down. It is a meditation on the unintentional persistence of commercial signs, which exist as modern hieroglyphics in the cityscape.

Through her work Pia Camil has shown a proclivity to failure or the decaying associated to the Mexican urban landscape, aspects of modernist culture and traces of art history. Her practice has explored the urban ruin through painting, photograph and installation.

Randalls Island, New York